Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 71 Hengelo Netherlands

We spent the night in Den Haag before our conference and
I stopped in to visit Broeder Scherf

This is us chillin in the business lounge in Rotterdam. We get in with our
NS Business card from the church and we get free drinks and stuff.
We just feel so cool so we had to take some pictures

This week was a lot of fun. We only had like a half a day of actually knocking doors! We had 3 full days of service this week, and then we also had a conference in Rotterdam with elder Moreira a 70. Then we had DLC on Saturday so we had to travel all day for that as well. It was not a good week for numbers but it was a very good week.

The elder Moreira conference was awesome. His English wasn't the best so it made his jokes even better. He kept saying that we need to, "keep the smiling."  Haha this guy’s hobby is to dress up as a clown and go visit people in hospitals! haha he was just such a goofy guy! He told us how we need to apply the things we learn on our mission to life when we get home. He said when he got off the plane he went up to the girl that would become his wife, and he said to her, "you can date all the guys in this stake, but the marriage. That is for me!!" haha then he told her to put his name in her prayers that night and if she feels the happy then they are to be married.  If is works for the book of Mormon then is has to work here as well! haha and he said the most important thing he learned on his mission was following up. So the next morning he called her to follow up, and they ended up getting married. haha Just picture that story being told by a  guy who can't speak very good English. haha then it's more funny.

Saturday night after we got back from DLC we stopped by a less active member named Arend. His girlfriend just had her baby a few weeks ago so we just brought them a little gift, and they invited us to stay for dinner. This guy told us he makes the best panenkoeken in the world so he taught us how to make them. They were super delicious, and when we were done he asked us when the next 5th Sunday was. We told him it was the next day and he said he wants to come and bring panenkoeken for the whole ward.  So Sunday morning we went over early to help him make panenkoeken, and HE CAME TO CHURCH!! It was super cool.  It was also unit conference so the whole stake presidency was there to teach the lessons. It was super awesome! One thing I've learned on my mission is that nothing gets people to church like making food with them.

Elder Hulet 

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